You are currently browsing the daily archive for October 15, 2010.

I am a facebook addict.  I admit it.  I have tried to walk away, but then I find myself thinking in facebook status sentences.  Here’s the problem with being a facebook junkie.  Romans 12:2 says…”Don’t be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Uh, Oh!  If I spend my day thinking in status lines, isn’t that conforming?  I think I might need a support group!

But, let’s turn this into a positive.  How can we, as those striving to be the Christians described in Titus 2, use facebook for the glory of God?  Romans 12 goes on to say in verses 9-13 …“Be kindly affectionate one to another in brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the LORD; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.” Well, that’s a pretty big chunk of scripture!  Let’s pause for a moment and reflect on how we can use facebook to follow this description of a Christian.

Be kindly affectionate one to another, in brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another… So, many times I see other believers forgetting the simple act of kindness and what it can mean to someone else.  The world of facebook opens up so many chances for people to see the brotherly love of the church, but are you sharing that love?  When you comment on the status of a brother or sister in Christ, is it with love?  We forget that in a typed out cyber conversation, our tone doesn’t always come across as we mean it.  An inside joke may appear as an insult.  I am certainly guilty of this one.

Not lagging in diligence…do you put off giving an encouraging word in order to check on your crops in the latest game?  Yep, been there!  And more often than not, you forget to give that encouragement at all.

Fervent in spirit… Are you eager to share the news of salvation?  Or is it more important to whine about the line at the checkout?

Rejoicing in hope…So many times, I let my doubt get the better of me and I don’t truly rejoice in the hope of others.  Or, because I don’t want my email to become overwhelmed with notifications from facebook, I simply won’t comment.  I think I should be more liberal with my “like” button.

Patient in tribulation…Ouch!  This one isn’t always easy for me.  I tend to follow my dad’s advice when it comes to tribulation.  He would say “Scratch your mad place and get over it.”  And while it can be good advice, sometimes it is better to accept the things we cannot change and move on to something we do have control over, when dealing with other believers we should have more patience to help them through there trials.  Continuing steadfastly in prayer — instead of wanting to kick them in the rump in order to help them get over it.

Distributing to the needs of the saints…I see so many prayer requests and needs posted on facebook.  Are you doing your best to help out?  What needs do you see?  Does someone need a babysitter?  A ride to the store?  A couple bucks for groceries until pay day?

We are in an age of amazing technology!  We joke about how shows like “Back to the Future” and “The Jetsons” were so far off…but yet they are so close.  We may not have flying cars, but we can use our phones (which are no longer painfully slow rotary dial devices attached to the wall with a 2′ cord) to post a status on the internet for ALL to see in only a couple of minutes (or seconds).  Is our faith making use of this technology?

My challenge for you is to take your faith to facebook!  In your head, change it to faithbook.  Post Bible verses, lyrics to your favorite Christian songs, poetry that has challenged your faith.  Share your testimony, as well as your prayer requests.  Maybe, your status will be the only Bible some of your friends ever read.  Shouldn’t we be making the most of this opportunity?  Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep! (Romans 12:15)  This is your chance to be a missionary.

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October 2010